The Advantages of LED Work Lights

If you are someone who frequently works outside in the dark, away from any light sources other than your own piece of equipment, then you will appreciate how better lighting conditions make work easier.


Why Add Extra Work Lights to your Equipment?

NightRider™ LEDS work lights are designed with flood beams. They spread their light over large areas right around your equipment/vehicle, making them ideal for slow moving or stationary equipment.

Their light temperature closely simulates daylight. This helps operators feel more alert and less tired. The angles of the flood beams vary between 30º to 120º.


Excavator with a 90º Flood Beam Work Light


Work Lights can be added strategically so that they light up areas not (or not sufficiently) illuminated by an already existing light. Thanks to their high efficiency and fairly low wattage, the extra lights will not draw much power.

If you and your piece of equipment work closely around other equipment operators, light glare will need to be considered. Best options with low glare are the NOS-Series lights as well as the Jet Black Work Edition lights. Both can be found in the Economy Lights Series.


NightRider™ LEDS work lights can be found in 4 different categories:

High Intensity, Heavy Duty, Economy, and Compact Lights.


High Intensity Lights 

produce extreme light output with a built-in Temperature Control System (TCS), which will prevent overheating and maximizes light output. They are built extra tough to withstand harsh working conditions.

Find out more about High Intensity Lights


Heavy Duty Series Lights

are built extra tough with shock absorbing mounting brackets to withstand the harsh working conditions in mining, logging, and the oil sector.

Find out more about Heavy Duty Lights


Economy Series Lights

are very cost effective and versatile, adding extra light at low extra cost.

Find out more about Economy Series Lights


Compact Lights

are the smallest of lights. The tiniest among them measuring a mere 2″ square. This makes them ideal for applications where space is limited or extra power draw needs to be minimal.

Check out the Compact Lights Series


If you have not yet discovered what a difference an added LED work light (or two) can make to your working conditions at night, we recommend starting with a light from the Economy Series. You will get lots of extra light without having to spend much money.


NightRider™ LEDS  – Adding Daylight to your Nightshift.